Loving your PostPartum Body

Since the last few days, I have often found myself staring at old photographs and reminiscing about those days when I could carry any cloth of my choice and had no trace of that double-chin I have been sporting lately.

Lets not forget the tummy, oh the tummy, and the stretch marks (not just limited to the tummy). I have realized that I am neither the first nor the last woman to feel so.

When do you exactly start Missing your Pre-pregnancy body?

There is no fixed timeline for when you start missing how you looked earlier.

  • It might be the first time you are getting ready for work and you don’t feel yourself in your old clothes anymore.

  • Or the time when you realize you have outgrown all your cherished collection of cute dresses or that sexy lingerie which you were saving till now for an awaited trip. You are left with the feeling that maybe you gotta stick with those maternity bras forever.

  • The first time you go shopping. Oh the shopping, it is a big pain point I say. I have literally left the trial room in tears, a few days back. The reason, of course, the realization that I could not fit in anything of my choice.

  • And of course the surroundings. Be it social media or someone around you. We all know at least that one new mom who seems to have everything together. Be it her house, her job or that kick ass figure of hers. You wonder while looking yourself in the mirror in your prized maternity dress and that messy bun you decide you would get rid of, what, 2-3 weeks ago, if she has some kind of super power.

  • Last but not the least, the Society. (sight) You might have not even paid attention to those extra kilos till an Aunty pointed it out at the recent family function you attended. And if she be more dramatic, might have thrown some celebrity’s example your way about how they got back in shape immediately.

It is very normal to miss your pre-pregnancy body. But this missing should never turn into loss of confidence and ultimately lead to a negative body image. I know it is easier said than done. But the fact is your body is gonna reward you in ways more than one, once you start loving your postpartum self.

How to not fall into the Shackles of Negative Body Image and Start Loving Your Postpartum Body?

Be Grateful and Appreciative

Appreciate your post-partum body for the journey it has undertaken. Be kind to it. Your mind and your body has gone through a lot both during pregnancy and as a new mom. Every change in your body has led to something beautiful. Cherish ever change.

Give time to your body to heal. Maintain a healthy diet as now you need your health and stamina not just for yourself but also for your little one.

Self Care

Most moms struggle with finding time for self care. As women, we often have a tendency to keep self care towards the end of our priority list. We justify within ourselves with reasons like “the house needed cleaning” or even “I needed to catch up on TV when the baby was sleeping” over finding time for our health and fitness.

Health is Wealth!

Probably the earliest quote we have been hearing since we were kids, but not many of us implement in our day to day life. You need to take care of your health to have greater strength and of course disease prevention in the long run.

Try to find just those 30 minutes for self care. As a new mom. it is true that it feels like you are always busy and tired, but a conscious effort can help go a long way.

You cannot wait for that perfect morning to get started on your fitness and health. You have to make adjustments in your existing schedule.

Design an exercise schedule when your husband or someone else can take care of the baby. And if nothing seems to work, take your baby on the stroller and have a long walk around the park.

Never Compare with Others

You don’t know about the life others are living. You have no idea about their job responsibilities or the kind of help and support they have at home. There will always be someone for whom you will feel that they are at a better position than you. At the same time, you might be that “someone” for another person.

Even if we were to look at celebrities around us, no two moms are the same. There have been celebs like Kareena Kapoor Khan or Shilpa Shetty who have been quick to get back in shape post pregnancy. On the other hand there have been the likes of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who have declared that they are in no hurry to get back in shape. And remember, that she has been trolled and judged repeatedly in popular media post pregnancy for her weight. It is completely an individual decision that moms take considering all the metrics around them or just their mental state.

So if the society doesn’t leave the world’s most beautiful woman alone, then of course it is gonna criticize you. But remember that it is ultimately you who is responsible for everything, be it your body or your child and people are gonna say things. Don’t let it affect you.

And… also with your Pre-pregnancy Self

There might be times when you look in the mirror and find a Stranger staring back at you. But the question is “Is that really a stranger?

It is probably a grown up, beautiful, responsible and more caring version of you. Embrace that stranger and you will find that it makes you whole.

Get that confidence to carry your sneakers the same way you have been carrying your high heels.

Your Body will Love You for Loving it Postpartum

Start your self care journey. Strive for a healthier and fitter version of yourself.

But not because you loathe your post-partum body. Only because you know your greatest asset is your body and you wanna show how much thankful you are to it for staying strong through all your journeys.

Reward your body with proper nutrition and exercise.

And in turn, it will reward you with immense strength and stamina. And of course good looks too.

Bcoz, lets be honest, who doesn’t want to look good in a little black dress. Right.

If you are a soon to be mom, don’t forget to check out my Must-Haves list. Also share with me in the comments how you guys are finding time to start loving your postpartum body.