Why the Jerk gene…

Why do women claim to be head over heels in love with jerks, what is that which makes them so irresistible for women. I have myself seen examples of several well accomplished girls lowering themselves to the level of dust for their guys, trying to keep fueling their guy’s ego, crying their hearts out for them.

Well no doubt, their is the age old notion that the thing difficult to get is the valuable one. Jerks have the capability of making a woman feel inferior to themselves, regardless of the woman’s personal and professional success which in many cases is better than the guys. But no, they have some really effective tools to lower a woman’s self esteem. She may start feeling ugly, dumb, unworthy and more and more thankful to the man for letting her be in his life. She will start doing everything to please him. And the jerk revels in it.

Women complain about not having good guys. Guys who are actually capable of caring, Guys who treat them special, often end up in the “friend” zone. Because once again, that which is available is not worth having. And yet the fact cannot be ignored that many guys treat girls in a special manner till they get sure that now they have enslaved them. Then begins the heights of torments. So you can’t be sure which of the good ones will eventually turn bad. This gives another reason to continue with the jerk (at least you are aware of the level that he is capable of being a jerk).

At the core, what I think attracts women is a confident man who appears to be complete in himself and thereby make the women want him more. He is dominating and knows his priorities (which certainly is not the girl) and this makes him a challenge. He treats the woman just as a woman, the idea (though women claim their rights to be equal human beings) is a bit fascinating for most women. But in most of the cases it may be a strong feeling of attraction and may subside in the long run when women really begin thinking about the kind of person they can spend their whole life with and whom they would like to father their child. Though I would say that not all the women are successful in attending this enlightenment.

At the same time, it does not mean that the nice guy does not stand a chance. They just need to be a bit more honest and straightforward with the girls they like and be confident enough to point her mistakes and what they really think about her. All this without losing their sensitivity and care. They may like the girl for all her faults but girls always appreciate honesty (which may be the reason the jerk may keep telling her she has become fat and ugly and she may believe it because the nice guy never told her that she has put on weight).